Constellations of praise x reflection

Free W/rite was a complete creative-energy reboot and provided revelations and healing so powerful it could have taken 30 years of talk-therapy to even begin to glimpse or approach the truths awaiting me in the space you created for us. (Specifically, I can remind you that the ancestors showed me that my birth-parents were willing to bring ME into the world and to parent ME, and this has profoundly shifted my relationship with them and my view of them since the session. The wisdom in this insight, and the gratitude I feel for it, has stayed with me since the session. And the photo of my parents that was the portal for the communication is now on my altar, and I see it every day, and it contains the whole message. It’s like a consecrated object now, an enlivened and spiritually charged object that continues to bring healing and compassionate perspective into my life. Truly such a gift.)
As with all magic, I’m not sure how you did it! But you created such a gentle, relaxed, safe space for us that allowed for humor, surprise, connection, big catharsis (omg I cried so much and so hard!, it was bananas!) — I felt everything and everyone was welcome, I loved that we were welcome to connect with one another, and I felt completely cared for in the structure you provided with each activity/gesture of the session leading so naturally one to the next while you still held space for the unexpected.
Today’s new “mode” was carving my page. I’ve never done that before. And before last year’s Free W/rite I wouldn’t have even dared to consider sketching anything… thank you for all that you make possible ♥️

I am now about to teach my first class of my own on inkwash. And reading last year’s compiled Free W/rite text I saw that this whole vein of inquiry was born in one of our morning sessions! And I did not even remember that that was the seed source because I hadn’t yet read back!
Bless the hands that make— Touch is so porous is so porous is so porous. Bless the hands that make. To be graceful with one’s tools is a realm of love. I love my tools. I love ink. Is ink made of ash? Was ink made from ash? Can I make ink from ash? (What is holy water?) Where are grandpa’s ashes? Can I make them into ink? Can I be the hands that make? I am the hands that make. Bless my hands. Bless these porous hands that make.
Grateful for these persistent messages…
AriDY NOX, They/Them
I wanted to share something I made from the things that came up for me (Vocal recordings, journaling, etc) during my first independent free w/rite this morning.
I am so enamored with it and I just wanted to thank you for opening this new door of spirit-led creation.
[It is] proof of the brilliance of the course
[and] could not have been written without it!
Succumb to anguish
Surrender to grief
Succumb to worldly riches
Surrender to prosperity
Succumb to human pride
Surrender to faith
Succumb to bitterness
Surrender to fate
or surrender
Succumb umb umb
or surrender

Thank you for this wonderful journey. I finally just read what came from our sessions, trying to find something to share, and I guess I wasn’t as awake as I thought, haha. I am awash with gratitude to the group, your guidance, and the ancestors for the comfort I received. Not sure if you can use any of it or if they even make sense, but here are the seeds that want to be shared:
Resting is ancient! Older and deeper than the heightened trauma response I seem to be stuck in. And there is strength and sustainability and sustenance there. There is grit and survival and fucking loyalty in our recent family trauma, everyday witnessing the wake of genocide. But what I’m looking for to balance that, to resolve it from my nervous system lies underneath it. Before colonialism – despite colonialism. Family. Rest. Love. Art. Healing. Somatic understanding. Movement. Purposeful and meaningful movement. I am a conduit of joy, presence between realms, between times, between earth and air.